School Masses


Mass is the center aspect of our Christian life and so must be central to the religious formation of our students from Kindergarten through Eighth grade.  We frequently attend Mass monthly as a school community and on Holy Days of Obligation to pray and receive Jesus in Holy Eucharist.

Individual grade levels prepare the liturgies.  Participating at the masses as readers, gift bearers, altar servers, and choir members deepens students' understanding of important elements of our liturgy.  More importantly, participation enables them to grow more deeply in faith and to actively pray for the needs of our world.

From an early age the students learn to show reverence for Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament. They bless themselves as they enter the Church in remembrance of their Baptism; genuflect before entering the pew; kneel in recognition of the Presence of Jesus in the tabernacle and participate enthusiastically during the liturgy.